As a co-operative, we’re a different kind of business. We share our profits with our members and the community.
As a member you’re a shareholder and owner in our Co-op. So when the Co-op turns a profit, some of that profit is returned to you. This profit sharing happens in two ways:
An annual cash payment


Based on Peninsula Co-op’s profits, a percentage of your purchases are added to your share account. Currently 72.5% of this amount is paid out to you by cheque. The remaining 27.5% of your rebate is allocated to your preferred share account for a period of 6 years and paid out at that time providing the Co-op’s financial position remains strong.
Calculate what your rebate might be:
Here’s what your rebate could look like.
Fill in the “Litres per Week” field to calculate the Approximate Annual Rebate.
Member Rebate Calculator
*This calculator is for sample purposes only, and is based on the average fuel rebate over the last several years. It does not take into account purchases on items other than fuel, and the rebate amount is not guaranteed and may vary by year.
You earn a rebate when you purchase from any of the following:

Rebates are paid in December by cheque based on purchases made in the previous fiscal year. Your Co-op’s fiscal year runs from April to March. If you joined Peninsula Co-op after March 31st of this year, your first rebate will be paid in December of next year.
NOT A MEMBER? Start earning your rebate today! Join NOW for just $27.
Chances are your membership will pay for itself in the first year!