Peninsula Co-op Student Awards Program
Peninsula Co-op is proud to support the students in our community with post secondary scholarship opportunities.
For the last 30 years we have been supporting local students through our Student Awards Program. As our company has grown over the years, we have continuously added to our Program which this year alone will award 21 scholarships, combining for a total of $22,000.
Students should apply directly to the University of Victoria, Camosun College, Vancouver Island University, North Island College and Royal Roads University. We have made scholarships specific to these establishments because they are in our trading area.
The Peninsula Co-op Educational Scholarships provide opportunities to students pursuing post-secondary education off Vancouver Island. This was done to improve the quality of opportunities available to our members and their families.
Application information and award requirements can be found at the links below.

Peninsula Co-op Educational Scholarships
* Application deadline is August 31st of the current calendar year.
This award is exclusively for students who are pursuing post-secondary education outside of Vancouver Island. There are two awards available, one for $1,500 and the other for $1,000.

The University of Victoria
* Application required for an entrance scholarship based on admission average and other criteria students must complete the online scholarship application between February 15 – April 30. Apply Here
- Peninsula Co-op Jack Groves Entrance Award, $1,000
- Peninsula Co-op Bud Nunn Entrance Award, $1,000
- Peninsula Co-op Sus Tabata Entrance Award, $1,000
- Peninsula Co-op Pat Fafard Award, $1,000
The online application for students currently attending is open April 1 – May 31. Apply Here
- Peninsula Co-op Exercise Science, Physical Health Education Award, $1,000

Camosun College
* Students can apply May – July and successful applicant will be notified by October 1st.
- Peninsula Co-op Jack Groves Entrance Award, $1,000 Apply here
- Peninsula Co-op Bud Nunn Entrance Award, $1,000 Apply here
- Peninsula Co-op Sus Tabata Entrance Award, $1,000 Apply here
- Peninsula Co-op Pat Fafard Award, $1,000 Apply here
- Peninsula Co-op Athletic Entrance Award, $1,000 Apply here
- Peninsula Co-op Trades, Technology and Career Preparation Award, $1,000 Apply here

VIU Entrance Scholarships & Awards
* Application closes March 31st
- Peninsula Co-op Award, 3 x $1,000 – Apply here

North Island College – NIC Foundation
* Open from March 1st – April 25th
- Peninsula Co-op Award, 1 x $1,000 – Apply here

Royal Roads Educational Scholarships:
* Open from March 1st to May 1st
- Royal Roads 3 x $1,000 Peninsula Co-op scholarships – Apply here
We are constantly impressed with the scholar of students in our community and are proud to award their many accomplishments by contributing to their ongoing education and future achievements.